If you have a garden you know how very importantĀ beesĀ are. They are essential for food production and for any successful garden. EachĀ beeĀ visits as many as 1000 blooms per day! Slightly smaller than honeybees, peaceful, non-stinging masonĀ beesĀ are incredible pollinators but they are in trouble.Ā Because of their shrinking habitat and disease, their numbers are in sharp decline.Ā GivingāÆthem aāÆplaceāÆto lay their eggs can help them survive.
All we are saying is, Give Bees a chance!Ā
Did you know that almost 90 percent of the worldās plants rely on pollinators, including many of the plants we use for food.Ā
If we lose bees, we lose the food.Ā Ā
11ā tall, 7 ā deep, 5ā wideĀ